Saturday, October 24, 2015

From impressions to blog

We just celebrated 3 months with our +Tesla  and have loved every minute of it -- it really is an amazing car.  Even so, I just can't seem to help myself: from day 1 I've been collecting a slew of thoughts about improvements both to the car itself and the surrounding ecosystem.  Since Elon Musk tweeted about what people would improvements people wanted to see, I finally decided to publicly release my list.

Since I intend for this list to continually grow and evolve, I'm going to try to use the Blogger platform with tags.  This is my first foray onto Blogger (rather than building my own platform) so we'll see how it goes.  If it becomes a horrible, chaotic mess I might have to find a different solution.

While I'm setting expectations, I'd like to quickly frame what I will and what I will (likely) not be suggesting.  While I, and everyone else, would love for the car to be cheaper, have more range, drive itself, etc.  I'm sure many people are already hard at work on all of those.  Further, I'm neither a mechanical engineer nor a battery alchemist -- I'm a design conscious computer scientist -- so I'm going to focus my list on what likely are all the little things that are either software or design based that bother me.

So, without much more ado, here are my thoughts (and poorly rendered artistic impressions).  Don't judge the art -- I'm not an a professional artist for a reason.

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